Welcome - Fáilte
Welcome to the website of Star of the Sea Church. The church is one of two churches in the parish of Laytown-Mornington.
We hope that you find the site useful for information on masses, sacraments and other church events as well as keeping up -to-date with what's happening in our community and parish.

Fr. Ciprian Solomon
Tel: 041 9827384
Email: office@morningtonchurch.com
Fr. Denis McNelis P.P.
Laytown (041 9827258)
Parish Office Hours
Mon/Wed/Fri: 10.00am - 2.00pm
Email: office@morningtonchurch.com

As Pilgrims of Hope we will share in the week of scheduled events culminating with the Papal Mass for over a million young Catholics! Cost €750 approx. including flights and accommodation. For more info see www.dioceseofmeath.ie/youth and the posters in the church porch.
Saturday Vigil: | 6.00pm |
Sunday: | 10.00am |
Monday: | 8.45am |
Tuesday: | 10.00am |
Wednesday: | 8.45am |
Thursday: | 10.00am |
Friday: | 8.45am |
Eucharistic Adoration
Wednesdays 9.30am-8pm
Every Saturday
After 6pm Vigil Mass
Mass Cards for the Dead, Birthday Remembrance, Special Occasion, Get Well & Mass Bouquets etc. are available in the Parish Office Monday / Wednesday / Friday 10am-2pm.
Donacarney Girls: Saturday 10 May 2025 at 10am
Donacarney Boys: Saturday 10 May 2025 at 12noon
Donacarney Girls: Tuesday 25 February 2025 at 11am