Bulletin - Mornington Church

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Mass Intentions weekend commencing 14/15 September 2024
Saturday 6.00pm:
Paul Taylor - Months Memory Mass.
Sunday  10.00am:
Eileen Kenna - Anniversary.
Sunday  11.30am:

Monday  8.45am:
PJ Conway - Anniversary.
Tuesday 10.00am:
Mary Ryan - 5th Anniversary & her son John Ryan - 9th Anniversary.
Wednesday 8.45am:
Mass followed by Adoration until 8pm.
Thursday 10.00am:

Friday 8.45am:

Mass Intentions weekend 21/22 September 2024
Saturday 6.00pm:
Patrick & Patricia Sweeney, Pat Sweeney Junior and Orla & Pat Dowling - Anniversaries.
Patrick Murray - 5th Anniversary.
Sunday  10.00am:
Albert Murray - Anniversary.
Ann McCabe - 4th Anniversary.
Sunday  11.30am:
Sean Faulkner - Anniversary.
R.I.P.:  Please pray for Elizabeth Tuohy, Laytown  who died during the week.

Eucharistic Adoration
Wednesdays from 9.30am to 8pm

Every Saturday after 6pm Vigil Mass

Contact the Parish Office

Dates For Your Diary
Wednesday 18th September:  Children's Choir at 6.30pm-7.15pm in the Parish Rooms
Wednesday 18th September:  Gospel Choir at 8pm in the Parish Rooms
Thursday 3rd October:  Parish Pastoral Assembly Meeting at 8pm in the Parish Rooms
Saturday 26th/Sunday 27th October:  Harvest Festival at all three Masses.
Thank you to all who supported
‘a Cuppa for Ann Weir’
Funds raised amounted to €9,060 and was presented to
St. Francis Hospice during the week.
Experience Boyne TradFest in Drogheda from 20th - 22nd September 2024, celebrating the best of traditional Irish music with recitals, sessions, workshops, and more! Don’t miss the highlight concert on Saturday 21st September at 8pm in St. Augustine's Church, featuring 'TG4 Composer of the Year' Michael Rooney (harp) and award-winning flutist June McCormack, joined by Music Generation Louth Harp Ensemble and traditional singers An Chéad Ghlúin Eile. Tickets €18/€12. Visit www.boynetradfest.ie for more information
Children’s Choir:  Practice continues on Wednesday,
18th September at 6.30pm-7.15pm in the Parish Rooms.
New members welcome, Contact Joanne 089-4305764
Be Safe:  Whether you are driving, swimming or playing sports aim to be safe at all times.
When driving do slow down and observe the rules of the road.
When swimming, swim with others, never on your own.
When playing sport, remember not to over stretch, but do enjoy.
Diocesan Notices
Meath Diocesan Spirituality Afternoon for Pioneers
Sunday 22nd of September 2024, 2pm-5pm, Franciscan Abbey, Multyfarnham, Co Westmeath.  See notice board for details.

Attention Young Adults (age 18-40)… Would you like to strengthen your daily prayer life? Join Meath Samuel Group. Meet one Sunday a month, from Oct to May, at St. Mary’s in Navan for Talks, Holy Hour, Confessions, and Mass, with commitment to daily prayer. Led by the Franciscan Sisters of the Renewal. It’s free! Begins 6 October, register now at www.franciscansisterscfr.com/st-anthony

Kingscourt Parish is hosting a Choral workshop with Ciaran Coll for choir members, solo singers and musicians at The Parish Centre, Saint Mary’s Road, Kingscourt on Saturday 19th October, commencing at 2.30p.m.  It will conclude with a Sung Mass at 6p.m.  There is no cost or fees. Refreshments will be served.

The Climate Crisis – what can we do?
In response to the Climate Crisis, you are invited to a Webinar facilitated by Jane Mellett of Trocaire on Thursday 19th September at 7.30 pm.  To register for this webinar, click the following link https://bit.ly/3XDKJct and enter your name and address.
Adoration continues in the Church on Wednesdays from 9.15am.
All are Welcome.  Please note finish time 8.00pm.
Why not come along and spend some time with the Lord.
We need more volunteers for the following hours:- 9am, 1pm, 3pm, 4pm, 5pm & 6pm.  
Please contact the Sacristy after Mass or Parish Office if you can put your name down for a particular hour.
Sign of Peace:  The practice of a handshake for the sign of peace was discontinued during Covid.  Going forward we are re-introducing the Sign of Peace.
While many may not be comfortable with a handshake the offer of a sign of peace can take the form of either a handshake, a wave or bowing to  one another.

Please ring 1800 677 777 (freephone) for assistance.
If you wish to make a financial contribution please ring 087-2542408.

Please do not let your dog loose in the Church grounds and more importantly PLEASE clean up after it.

Community Notices

East Meath Meals on Wheels  -  085-7570810
Hot Meals are delivered to your home  between 12.30pm and 1.30pm on Monday, Wednesday and Friday of each week throughout the year, excluding bank holidays in the areas of Laytown, Bettystown, Mornington, Donacarney and Colpe.  
The charge is €5 per person per meal.
If you would like to avail of this service or know of anyone who might benefit from this service, please contact us on the above number.

Mornington, Co. Meath - Tel. (041) 9827384 - office@morningtonchurch.com
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