Bulletin - Mornington Church

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Mass Intentions weekend commencing 8/9 March 2025
Saturday 6.00pm:

Sunday  10.00am:
Nora Murray & Pat Webb - Anniversaries.
Sunday  11.30am:
Alice Kane - Months Memory Mass.
Kevin & Freda Phelan - Anniversaries.
Miceal O'Brien and Kathleen & Maurice O'Brien - Anniversaries.
Mary Coscoran - 6th Anniversary.
Monday 8.45am:
Andrew & Rosalie Maher - Anniversaries.
Tuesday 10.00am:

Wednesday 8.45am:
K V Devassy - Sp. Remembrance.
Mass followed by Adoration to 8pm
Thursday 10.00am:

Friday 8.45am:

Mass Intentions weekend 15/16 March 2025
Saturday 6.00pm:
Marie Blake -1st Anniversary & deceased members of the Lynch & Blake families.
Sunday  10.00am:

Sunday  11.30am:
Hazel Parrott - Anniversary.
R.I.P.:  Please pray for   Brigid Weir   and   Noel Stafford, Beabeg   who died during the week.

Eucharistic Adoration
Wednesdays from 9.30am to 8pm

Every Saturday after 6pm Vigil Mass

Contact the Parish Office

Parish Office Opening Hours this week:  Monday, Wednesday & Friday  10am - 2pm
Thank you to all who helped with the Preparation of the Church and Parish Rooms over the last few days.  
Your help is much appreciated.
Dates For Your Diary
Wednesday 12th March: Children’s Choir at 6.30pm-7.15pm in Parish Rooms.
Wednesday 12th March: Gospel Choir Practice in Parish Rooms at 7.30pm.
Thursday 13th March:  Catholic Grandparents Association Meeting at 10.30am in the Parish Rooms.
East Meath Hospice Association Pancake Morning was a great success.  
Thanks to your support and generosity we raised €9,600.  
All monies raised are spent locally to provide services for people with a diagnosis of Cancer.
First Penance 2025
We congratulate the children from Donacarney Schools who
received the Sacrament of First Penance on Thursday last.
We thank the Principals, the Teachers, SNA’s and the Parents/Guardians for their work in preparing the children so well.
The Franciscan Sisters of the Renewal invite you to join us in Slane on St. Patrick’s Day.  
5:00 pm. Vespers on the Hill of Slane,
6:15 pm. Mass in St. Patrick’s Church,
celebrated by the Papal Nuncio Archbishop Luis Mariano Montemayor and Bishop Tom Deenihan,
followed by Eucharistic Adoration.
Event details: www.franciscansisterscfr.com/st-anthony  or 041 983 0441.
Jubilee of Youth, Rome, 28th July – 3rd August 2025  Bishop Tom invites young people (18+) of the Diocese of Meath to join with fellow young people from around the world for this great event with Pope Francis.  As Pilgrims of Hope we will share in the week of scheduled events culminating with the Papal Mass for over a million young Catholics!  Cost €750 approx. including flights and accommodation.  For more info contact the Parish Office or see www.dioceseofmeath.ie/youth and the posters in the church porch.
Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to the Shrines of France 21st – 28th May 2025 Join with Duleek, Donore & Ashbourne Parishes on this Joe Walsh Tours pilgrimage under the spiritual guidance of Fr. Mark & Fr. Michael.  Taking pilgrims to some of France’s most special sanctuaries and places of magnificent beauty, including Ars-sur-Formans, Paray-le-Monial, Nevers, Lisieux, Tours and Paris. Costs for 7 nights €1,339 pp.  For more information about this Parish Jubilee Pilgrimage please contact Caroline in Duleek Parish Office 041-9823205 or book directly tel: 01-2410800 email: info@joewalshtours.ie. wwwjoewalshtours.ie.
Diocesan Pilgrimages 2025

Meath Diocesan Jubilee Pilgrimage to Rome
22-27 September 2025 (5 nights)
Direct return flights, 20kg check in luggage, Transfers & Tours by private coach,
5 nights at Pontifical Irish College, Rome, Breakfast each day,
€1,399 pp sharing, €25 single supplement per night (limited availability).
Deposit €350 non refundable.  Balance due by 23 June 2025.  
For booking contact connie.galligan@mullingartravel.ie

Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes
9th September 2025 (4 night & 5 night packages)
Direct return flights, 20kg check in luggage, Transfers, Single room supplement €42 per night.
Full board:  breakfast, lunch & dinner each day

See Posters on Notice Board for further information
Parish Envelopes:  The new envelope boxes are being distributed.  
If you are living in the Mornington Church area and you have no envelope box, please contact the Sacristy after Mass or the Parish Office.

The weekly envelope is your way of funding the up-keep and development of our Church, Schools and Community Centre.
Thank you to those who continue to send in their envelopes weekly and to those who use the Standing Order system.

Priest Offerings:  There are five special Priest Offerings Envelopes included in your box of envelopes.  These envelopes are for the support and upkeep of the Priest.  
Again we thank those who contributed to the support of the Priest over the past year.

Collectors:  A special thank-you to those who continue to collect the Church
envelopes.  We ask you to consider helping with the distribution and collection of the Church envelopes over the coming year.  Please contact the Presbytery.  
If your envelope is not collected please bring it to Mass and put it in the basket along with your basket offering.  

Standing Orders:  Rather than using the weekly envelope system some
parishioners have in recent years adopted the Standing Order System.  For your convenience we have enclosed a standing order form in your box of envelopes.  If you wish to use it make sure to return the completed form to the Presbytery.  Standing Order Forms are also available in the Presbytery.

Collectors:  Please collect your envelope boxes from the Parish Rooms after Mass.
Volunteers Needed:  If you can help with the distribution of the envelope boxes in your area, please contact the Sacristy after Mass or the Parish Office
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
St. Vincent de Paul  For Assistance Ring 1800 677 777
If you wish to make a financial contribution please ring 087-2542408.
Jubilee of Youth, Rome, 28th July – 3rd August 2025
Bishop Tom invites young people (18+) of the Diocese of Meath to join with fellow young people from around the world for this great event with Pope Francis.  
As Pilgrims of Hope we will share in the week of scheduled events culminating with the Papal Mass for over a million young Catholics!  Cost €750 approx. including flights and accommodation.  For more info see www.dioceseofmeath.ie/youth and the posters in the church porch.

Please do not let your dog loose in the Church grounds and more importantly PLEASE clean up after it.

Adoration continues in the Church on Wednesdays from 9.15am.
All are Welcome.  Please note finish time 8.00pm.
Why not come along and spend some time with the Lord.
We need more volunteers for the following hours:- 9am, 1pm, 3pm, 4pm, 5pm & 6pm.  
Please contact the Sacristy after Mass or Parish Office if you can put your name down for a particular hour.

Please ring 1800 677 777 (freephone) for assistance.
If you wish to make a financial contribution please ring 087-2542408.

Community Notices

East Meath Meals on Wheels  -  085-7570810
Hot Meals are delivered to your home  between 12.30pm and 1.30pm on Monday, Wednesday and Friday of each week throughout the year, excluding bank holidays in the areas of Laytown, Bettystown, Mornington, Donacarney and Colpe.  
The charge is €5 per person per meal.
If you would like to avail of this service or know of anyone who might benefit from this service, please contact us on the above number.

Mornington, Co. Meath - Tel. (041) 9827384 - office@morningtonchurch.com
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