As a general rule baptisms take place in the church on Sundays at 12:15pm.
Four weeks notice is required. Please ring the Parish office to check availability of the desired date and to register your child.
The family are advised to arrive 15 minutes before the Baptism. Please bring a Baptismal Candle and a white robe for the ceremony.
“The Christian community welcomes you with great joy” - these words will be used at the ceremony of Baptism to welcome your child into the faith community which is the Catholic Church. Our Parish rejoices to offer these words of welcome to your child and prays for you and your child at this time: may the flame of Christian faith be alive in your hearts.
The Church asks parents, godparents and priests to ensure that the child’s name is not “foreign to Christian sentiment” [Canon 855]. It is recommended that at least one name would be the name of a Saint.
One godparent is sufficient and may be either male or female. Where there are two godparents, one must be male (godfather) and the other female (godmother) [Canon 873]. A godparent must be:
Not less than sixteen years of age
A Catholic who has received the Sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation
Living “a life of faith which befits the role to be undertaken” [Canon 874].
During the Baptism ceremony, the godparents will be asked if they are willing to undertake the role of godparent (i.e. to support the parents in handing on the Christian faith to the child) and they will also be asked to profess publicly the Christian faith.
The duties and responsibilities of godparents are as follows:
Be an example of what it means to live the Christian life;
Help the child to grow in the Christian faith;
Encourage the child to pray and to practice the Christian faith;
Help the child as he/she prepares for other Sacraments;
Pray for the child.